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Meet The 

Most Informative and Interactive News & Entertainment Network in Page & Lake Powell

More Than Just News

LPNN is 100% Veteran-owned and operated. We are an online-based, mission-driven, multimedia news organization and entertainment program producer and broadcaster. We are a network with a strong base of supporters world-wide. 


LPNN produces news articles, live and breaking news reports, and entertainment programs.


LPNN has succeeded by continuously providing light entertainment and high-quality, in-depth, and breaking news. We have evolved from a news only network to an essential news and entertainment source for viewers interested in the Page/Lake Powell area from around the world and the nation. 


LPNN is at the forefront of the digital news and entertainment age. Digital platforms offer anywhere/any time options for people to watch, listen, learn, and experience all LPNN provides. As the tides change for media innovation, LPNN will always actively embrace the power and potential of digital media or the most current innovation of the time to serve our mission.


Chris and Theresa did not leave the core values of the military behind. They firmly believe in integrity, courage, honor, and professionalism, to name a few. These values are evident in the content LPNN produces and the value each program provides our viewers.

Our Mission & Vision


LPNN is dedicated to ensuring independent, unbiased, factual, and timely news which is demanded by both LPNN and the area's millions of stakeholders. 


LPNN's mission is to bring the facts to the public, covering what truly matters, and providing all the information necessary to be more informed about events and ideas throughout the area without worrying about bias or large syndicates outside of the region possibly covering the information. Through this, LPNN is able to provide our audience with a deeper understanding of what is happening in the region and how it can affect them. 


To accomplish our mission, we produce programs that meet the highest standards of journalism, focusing on the facts and, where possible, all sides involved. 



LPNN's mission for entertainment is to ensure there is a balance for our viewers between the heavy topics covered in the news and up-beat, light-hearted family-friendly entertainment. 

Meet The Team
Editor-In-Chief, Newscaster, and On-Air Personality
Reporter, Marketing & Sales, and On-Air Personality
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Contributing  Writer
Contributing Writer & On-Air Personality
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